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Matthew J. Cunningham

Just Fade Away, Mr. Morgan

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

California’s former Republican National Committeeman, Tim Morgan, has decided not to go gently into that good night.

According to today’s Los Angeles Times, he has filed a ethics complaint with the state bar against OC District Attorney Tony Rackauckas and OCDA spokeswoman Susan Kang Schroeder:

In the complaints filed with the state bar, Morgan accused Rackauckas and Schroeder of unprofessional conduct for allegedly prejudicing Guardado’s parole hearing through comments about the inmate and the case.

Give it up, already.

No one forced Tim Morgan to write a letter supporting the parole of a man who was a willing participant in a heinous thrill murder. He did that of his own free will, and even traded on the Republican National Committee name by putting his letter on his RNC letterhead. Thanks, Tim.

Now he’s upset there’s political blowback from that letter, and Morgan is hurling accusations at Tony Rackauakcas and Susan Schroeder.

This is the same Tim Morgan who threw the rest of the CRP Executive Committee under the bus during the brouhaha over the hiring of a Canadian to be the state party COO by writing an op-ed in the San Francisco Chronicle holding himself as the lone voice of dissent in that decision.

The only problem was Morgan’s claim wasn’t true.

Morgan isn’t doing himself any favors by fighting a public battle trying too vinidcoate his support for paroling a criminal like Paul Guardado. Thank you for your service to the party, Tim Morgan, but it’s long past time to fade away.

One Response to “Just Fade Away, Mr. Morgan”

  1. Says:

    Agreed. Hit the road already, Tim Morgan.