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Meredith Turney

Mr. McClintock Goes to Washington

House Republicans have some big decisions to make this week with Dan Lungren’s decision to challenge John Boehner for leader of the embattled minority. And amongst the incoming freshman class making such important directional decisions will be California’s Tom McClintock. The United States House of Representatives has recognized the inevitable fact that Tom McClintock won the 4th CD seat. It’s just a matter of days before McClintock will be declared the next representative for Congressman John Doolittle’s district. McClintock will arrive in Washington, D.C., tomorrow to begin freshman orientation and participate in House Republican strategizing.

After losing Congress and the White House, Republicans nationwide are considering the party’s future. This is a time of rebuilding the Republican brand by embracing conservative principles, not denouncing them. Congressman Tom McClintock will certainly be one of the most important leaders for the conservative movement on the national scene. Conservatives need his vision and voice not just in deciding new House leadership, but to re-earn voters’ trust.  Look out, Washington Establishment!