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Shawn Steel

Hollywood Blacklist : We are all Mormons

Richard Raddon, LA Film Festival’s director was hounded from his job because he is a Mormon who gave $1500.00 to a proposition that supports that marriage is between a man and a woman.

Scott Eckern, Artistic director of the California Musical Theater, for 26 years earned the wrath of the Gay Fascist Left who demanded his head. Eckern also a Mormon was forced out of his job. His action was to write a check for $1000 for Proposition 8. His sister is a lesbian and they are close. But he chose to exercise his constitutional rights and it cost him his career.

Majorie Chrisofferson, a manager for El Coyote restaurant, gave  only a $100 and her employers and business is getting trashed.

Even Prince, the 80’s rocker, who is now a recent Jehovah’s Witness convert, is being maligned for supporting the Bible’s pro marriage messages.

There is a great deal of hatred over this proposition. But it principally comes from the Gay Left.

Churches are vandalized and picketed. Mormons while attending their churches are attacked. Terror threats have reached into the Mormon Temple in West LA and Salt Lake, with powdery white substances, looking like anthrax, are mailed.

The attacks, mass demonstrations, public incitements, hysterical articles, terror threats are part of the new militancy of those who failed in the ballot box. Instead of marching into the black communities, who voted for Prop 8 by over 70%, most attacks are against the Mormon Church which has endured massacres and attacks for over 160 years. 

Ironically Hollywood constantly raises the 1950’s as a wicked period of McCarthite Blacklisting. That period involved some writers who were actually pro Joe Stalin. Despite Stalin mass murdering reputation and massive slave state, Hollywood still defends the far left blacklisted writers. 

Where is the ACLU? Where are the First Amendment liberals? 

Obama, stated for the record that  " my religious beliefs say that a marriage is something sanctified between a man and a woman". So why not picket and threaten the President Elect?

Bill Condon, gay and Oscar winning screenwriter, challenges the Gay Left defending Richard Raddon’s religious rights. But he is virtually alone.

It is argued the anger and violence emanates from the bloggers and grass roots. If so, then we are witnessing a growth of a new fascist mentality. Not unlike prior fascist movements. The new ‘direct action" campaigns by the Gay Left is more evidence that we are hurtling  into the Politically Correct Fascist Age. 

But the militancy is costing the good will and reputation of opponents of Prop 8. Preaching love and tolerance, the Prop No advocates have turned fiercely ugly. Most Americans are offended by this aggression.

The answer is to resist the growth of any form of Fascism. As Dennis Prager suggested today – – – – We are all Mormons.

12 Responses to “Hollywood Blacklist : We are all Mormons”

  1. Says:

    Shawn has hit the nail firmly on the head – we must always remember that a direct attack on one person or group’s freedom of speech, including political speech, is an attack on all of our freedoms.

    What is particularly disturbing is the relative silence of the press to this bad behavior by the extreme homosexual left. Even more disturbing is the silence of our Governor who wants the Court to overturn the people’s vote on Proposition 8. He speaks loudly for the Court to over turn the people’s votes but I have heard nothing from the Governator calling on the homosexual left to respect the vote of the people or at least their civil and property rights.

    The Mormons really stepped up to the plate on behalf of Prop. 8. They deserve our thanks for their help, not the anti religious bashing they are getting from the radical left.

    Thanks Shawn for your post on this important topic!

  2. Says:

    Even though the gay left has lost the proposition, they behave this erratically. What would become of the proponents of prop. 8 if the gay left is allowed to be married? The gay left will destroy all traditional family institutions given the opportunity. Californians know that if they give an inch, gays would want to take over our kids, education system, churches, and the way of life for many.

  3. Says:

    Why does Hollywood do this? Why doesn’t the ACLU take up their cause, yet the Left remains silent about black support for Prop 8? Because they see the blacks as for all the other liberal issues, and these Mormons are not. It’s the same reason feminists viciously attack any man with any semblance of power who so much as looks at a woman cross-eyed… except the people who can enact the rest of their agenda, like Bill Clinton and Ted Kennedy.

  4. Says:

    Shawn: Awesome post and Thank You!

    It just want me to scream my lungs out by saying “What ever happened to freedom of political expression?”

    When did we become a nation of crucifiers for the sake of politics? Very sad!

  5. Says:

    An excellent point by Lincoln Clubs Secretary (and other stuff) Shawn Steel. Their theology aside, Mormons are patriotic, hard working, family oriented people that any of us would be happy to have for neighbors.

    We should stand by them now – they stood up for marriage and are being treated disgracefully for exercising their constitutional rights.

  6. Says:

    Where’s this restaurant at so I can give them my business?

    These left wing homosexual activists can shove it!

  7. Says:

    Shawn, very well said!
    Thanks to all who have supported Prop 8 and worked so tirelessly to defend marriage against the radical left.

    Our platform says: “We support the two-parent family as the best environment for raising children, and therefore believe it is important to define marriage as being between one man and one woman. We believe public policy and education should not be exploited to present or teach homosexuality as an acceptable “alternative” lifestyle. We oppose same-sex partner benefits, child custody, and adoption.”

    If you want traditional marriage to remain, get involved with the Platform Committee. Supporters of “No on 8” or the “Log Cabin Republicans” know this and are involved and are working to change our platform from within. The radical left is in our midst, know what they stand for and how they are out to change the Republican Party.

    They are more than welcome to help us with limited government, strong national defense, lower taxes, personal responsibility, and free markets. They are welcome to work with us, just know what their agenda is and how their strategy works. Visit their website and read for yourself: so you know the strategy involved. It’s important for Republicans to win elections in the future. We will never accomplish this if we become the same as Democrats. Just remember fiscally conservative homosexuals will not go to the Democrat Party.

    For the sake of transparency here are some Log Cabin quotes:
    “The radical rights influence on the GOP can be diminished one voter at a time, by making the case for fairness. That is what motivates the Log Cabin Republicans to lead today’s most important battle for the civil rights of gay and lesbian Americans.”

    “Defeating the radical right and transforming the GOP will allow gay and lesbian Americans to achieve full equality much sooner-decades sooner. The radical right represents the last obstacle on the path to full equality. Defeat them in the grassroots of the GOP and all of us can enjoy the benefits of liberty much sooner.”

    “The party will change only from the inside. Pressure from the outside, from the far left won’t work. The GOP must be transformed one person at a time, across America on the grassroots level by gay Republicans and their fair-minded allies”

    Achieving total equality will take decades longer unless our community has strong allies in both parties. There aren’t enough votes in the Democratic Party to achieve sustained legislative victories. Even if all gay Republicans left the party, the GOP would still be there. That is why we reach out to fair-minded Republicans-making the case for fairness.

    “We are doing important work to the transform the GOP, bringing about the same grassroots change that happened in the Democratic Party over the last three decades.” “We are now doing similar work in the GOP.”


    Is this what they call Tolerance?

  9. Says:


    Thank you for provoking me to register for to comment on Flash Report and now to respond to your article. Unfortunately Shawn, you’re choosing to cherry-pick your arguments to paint the pretty picture that the Mormon Church and other individuals who actively supported the Prop 8 campaign are unduely being maligned.

    That could be farther from the truth.

    More than anything, this entire ordeal is basically holding people, organizations and business accountable for their actions. Privacy in the ballot box is a right – privacy for giving money, contributing resources and advocacy is not a right…and is far from it. Given we are both quite versed in campaign finance law, we both know that the Supreme Court ruled that contributing money is considered an expression of free speech. And just as we all know the story that you can’t yell “fire!” in a crowded theatre, you cannot escape the consequences of one’s actions in the name of free speech.

    Just like those businesses had the right to contribute money to the Yes on 8 campaign, I have the right not to patronize them for that, just like you have the right not to patronize businesses that support the No on 8 campaign. The difference is that the No on 8 side is organized and is telling people not to patronize those who support taking away their rights. Why on earth would I want to patronize a company that takes my money, then uses the profits against me?

    These businesses have the right to give money to whomever they choose if they feel so compelled to get involved in a civic campaign – and with that free speech comes the risk that there are those who will not agree with them and will exercise their right NOT to patronize their businesses and tell their like-minded friends not to.

    It’s about holding people accountable. You can vote however you want, but the minute you give money, you’re speaking – and their are consequences to speech in this nation.

    As for the Mormons? I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy. Mormon temples across this state acted as campaign headquarters (and were distributing hundreds of thousands of those campaign signs that they had printed in China) for the Yes on 8 campaign – you don’t get to act as a campaign headquarters one day then the next after the election ask for “respect for the reverence of the holy nature of the church.”

    Sorry Shawn – this is about accountably. The only thing that is confidential & private is the vote itself. Money, speeches, contributions – that is all fair game. Every person has the right to free speech, but that doesn’t come without accountability. So don’t cry over spilled milk just because our No on 8 boycotts are working and all those ridiculous boycotts that AFA tries fail miserably. These are exactly the same tactics that have been used against gays for decades – and now the tables are finally turned.

  10. Says:

    Mr. Steele makes an excellent point here, I think harkening back to Martin Niemöller’s late 19th century observations regarding the rise of totalitarianism in Germany…”then they came for the Jews, but I wasn’t Jewish so I didn’t speak out…”

    To the radical left, the First Amendment is viewed as a one way street, intolerance is defined by them as simple disagreement with their pronouncements. When that happens, they feel empowered to resort to violence and street thuggery as is happening in the Prop 8 controversy. Even our governor is playing into this sensibility, pandering to the militant homosexual lobby – I guess prepping the way for his “triumphant” return to Hollywood.

    So in a very real sense we must all become Mormons, or Catholics or whatever group is being singled out. If we “do not hang together,” as Ben Franklin advised during the infancy of this republic, we will meet his predicted fate, “we will most assuredly hang separately.” – William Mayer, E & P

  11. Says:

    A response to Mr. Moran.

    “More than anything, this entire ordeal is basically holding people, organizations and business accountable for their actions.”

    =>No it’s about attempting to defend vigilantism as being meritorious.

    “You cannot escape the consequences of one’s actions in the name of free speech.”

    =>The consequences being losing your job because you contributed to a legal political campaign? Please cite the Supreme Court precedent where that is countenanced. My guess is that using campaign donation records to harass someone or force their loss of employment is probably actionable.

    “Why on earth would I want to patronize a company that takes my money, then uses the profits against me?”

    =>Sorry, that simply doesn’t pass the smell test. What is being done in the cases Mr. Steele presents, verges on Stalinism, of enforcing via intimidation, a particularly skewed version of political orthodoxy.

    “It’s about holding people accountable.“

    =>Physically attacking 80 year old ladies, ripping crosses from their hands then stomping on them isn’t accountability. Neither is firing people over political issues or showing up at their homes with picket signs.

    “As for the Mormons? I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy.“

    =>German translation circa November 1938 – “As for the Jews? I’m sorry, but I have no sympathy.”

    Mr. Moran, despite the subterfuge being promoted by the anti-8 side, the measure is not discriminatory in any normal construction of the word; nothing in it stops gays from marrying anytime they wish, they just can’t marry members of their own sex, any more than brothers and sisters can marry. This is quite different than passing a law stating that gays can’t vote, or must sit at the back of the bus, which is clearly unconstitutional.

    In my opinion, seeking to overturn a bedrock institution of civilization – marriage, defined as a union between a single man and a single woman – because it’s convenient for someone’s lifestyle doesn’t seem to be in keeping with the traditions of Republican thought. That type of thinking is anathema to conservative principles, re-read your Edmund Burke, your polemic is unconvincing.

  12. Says:

    Shawn Steele does well to distinguish the gay left from other gays, not all of whom support either the concept of, let alone the gay left’s tactics supporting, gay marriage. Others would do well to recognize this distinction, particularly when it comes to attempting to “conflate” – besides “appalling” one of the left’s favorite words – Log Cabin, and other conservative gay groups, with the gay left. Hell hath no fury like a movement scorned, and Log Cabin’s been feeling the heat from the gay left since its inception precisely because it refuses to tow the gay left’s (read, the Democrats’) party line.