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Shawn Steel

Dirty Dem Money

Scarcely a week goes by when Conservatives don’t enjoy a Schdenfreude experience. It seems more common than not that some Dems are fleecing their fellows. You might call it Affinity Fraud.

Dirty Dem Money number one has to be Wall Street financier, Bernard Madoff. Arrested last week for the world’s biggest Ponzi scheme, he defrauded charities, institutions and even Steven Spielberg for over $50,000,000,000 billion dollars. But another victim is the democrat party. Over 89% of the money he gave to politicians went to democrats. The LA Times reports that  "Maldoff’s donations gave him a clear, if understated, presence in Democratic political circles." 

Turning to Chicago, Dirty Dem Money number two has to go to a newcomer. LA Times owner the Chicago Tribune, reports that  Businessman Raghubveer Nayak is seeking immunity from U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald. Labeled as "Individual D" in the Blagojevich federal complaint, Nayak was "being squeezed" by the governor for cash. Nayak presciently hosted a luncheon on Oct 31, attempting to persuade Gov Blagojevich to appoint his good friend, Congressman Jesse Jackson to Obama’s senate seat. Nayak proposed raising 1 million dollars for the Governor. 

Although reasonable people can differ, we propose as Dirty Dem Money number three , x senator Don Perata. CapAlert reports, that the Don took an additional $400,000 from his unused campaign account and moved it to his soon to be exhausted legal account. Conservatives have a dilemma here.

     Do Conservatives criticize x senator Perata for robbing money from the unions for money intended to prevent reapportionment reform? Seems to many that Perata was secretly aiding and assisting Republican goals. On the other hand can Conservatives condone stealing from your allies?  In the spirit of compromise Perata, a low life for even Sacramento standards, merits only DDM # 3.