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Tom Campbell: Raise Taxes and by the way, I am running for Governor

Former US Rep. Tom Campbell got himself on TV this week.

On the Bay Area ABC affiliate Campbell proposed an $ .18 per gallon gas tax increase to fund the state’s budget shortfall.  Campbell of course suggests that the tax increase be ‘temporary’.

I commend the former state budget director for his candor but wonder if he understands that he will have to face the voters if he hopes to become CA Governor.  Being the first one out of the gate to propose a tax increase sure is bold.

Campbell also this week sent an email from his exploratory committee for Governor to former supporters.  The email reads:  Today, I look to you for advice about whether I should re-enter public service.

I find it interesting that his email fails to mention his grand scheme to raise taxes.

4 Responses to “Tom Campbell: Raise Taxes and by the way, I am running for Governor”

  1. Says:

    We’ve cut many programs to the bone already, for example with UC/CSU, admissions are being cut, classes are reduced, fees are increased.

    The goal as us as Californians is how to cut spending and minimize government while maintaining the quality of service.

    Of course people at Caltics may be livid when I suggest that instead of layoffs we should do wage cuts. If our private industry employers have slowing business then laying off or cutting hours is the only option.

    How about reforming the prison system, make it where non-violent offenders might get house arrest or other alternative punishments to save on the cost of jailing our vast prison population.

    When tax increases are off the table we need to think outside the box.

  2. Says:

    I will only accept Tom Campbell as a candidate if Bruce Herschensohn will come out of retirement and beat him!

  3. Says:


    Let’s not be too quick to condemn Tom Campbell.

    Look at his race as GOP nominee for US Senate against Dianne Feinstein
    in 2000, for example. In that campaign his appeal as a liberal Republican
    won many cross-over converts.

    Tom Campbell only lost to Dianne Feinstein by TWO MILLION VOTES
    (5,932,522 for DiFi, to 3,886,853 for Tom)….

    So cut the guy some slack, he is obviously a political mastermind!

  4. Says:

    Anyways, I will likely support Poizner. Even though he’s not socially pragmatic than I would like, he would be a good choice for our state. I honestly would not want to support someone who is friendly with Islamic radicals.