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Mike Spence

June’s Tax Elections Are Upon Us

Had enough of elections? In Los Angeles County there will be four, count them four school districts that will try to pass a parcel tax.

Parcel taxes of course require a 2/3rds vote to pass. This is an important protection to property owners that actually pay the tax.

June 16th, South Pasadena Unified has a tax of $95/unit in multi-unit parcels and $288 for other parcels that will last four years.

June 23rd, Palos Verdes Peninsula Unified School District has a $165 per parcel for four years.

June 30th features two elections. La Canada Flintridge with a five year $150 a parcel tax and Rowland Unified with a five year $120 annual levy.

Will these pass? Probably, with the exception of Rowland Unified. May 5, 2009 San Marion residents approved a parcel tax just 14 days before San Marino voters rejected the tax extension measure 1A.

Local taxes usually pass in Los Angeles County. 

One little secret is that everyone one of these measure exempt seniors from paying for the tax. Why only seniors? Some say it is because they don’t use the schools or they are on fixed income. Home school or private school parents or for the matter the childless don’t use the public schools. People on disability are on fixed incomes.

Real answer: Seniors vote.