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Jason Cabel Roe

Unions Love Medicinal Marijuana

And why wouldn’t they? They must assume that 30 million Californians are walking around stoned or else they would notice how the state has been completely hijacked by labor bosses more interested in political power than the fiscal health of our state or the future of our children.

And how about the MSM? Completely checked out. Otherwise, how could they have missed this? Now I spent the last 8 years in Washington and have seen some pretty extraordinary abuses of power, but c’mon, the MSM completely ignores such an outrageous threat to elected officials? In the State Capitol! Can you imagine if the president of the Chamber of Commerce did this? The MSM would have been high alert (no pun intended).

The State of California is facing crippling budget challenges. We barely escaped the last budget process and the next one only promises to be worse. Yet, everyone seems to be oblivious to the necessary changes to rescue the next generations of Californians. The list starts with pension reform.

The idea that government employees are guaranteed 100% of their pension benefits, some of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

SF Chronicle Has Its Own “Message On The Margin” for Arnold

You can’t "see" this message online, but here is a graphic of today’s San Francisco Chronicle editorial on the whole flap of the Governor spelling out "f*** you* on the left margin of a veto message to Assemblyman Tom Ammiano.

The headline of the editorial, Message On The Margin should be taken literally…

For those who need help, the letters are… G R O W U P G I RRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Conservatives Unite Behind Hoffman In NY-23 – A CALL TO ACTION

How often do you get to get pitched by an elected officer of the Republican Party to help elect the nominee of another political party to Congress?

Well, that’s what you are getting right here.

All eyes in the country are looking at a special election that will take place this Tuesday in upstate New York in the sprawling 23rd Congressional District. The incumbent Republican Member of Congress there resigned his seat mid-term to take an appointment from President Obama (!), and this set the stage for a special election.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

Conservatives Unite Behind Hoffman In NY-23 – A CALL TO ACTION

How often do you get to get pitched by an elected officer of the Republican Party to help elect the nominee of another political party to Congress?

Well, that’s what you are getting right here.

All eyes in the country are looking at a special election that will take place this Tuesday in upstate New York in the sprawling 23rd Congressional District. The incumbent Republican Member of Congress there resigned his seat mid-term to take an appointment from President Obama (!), and this set the stage for a special election.

Unlike in California, where we would have a special primary election where the party nominees would be determined, in New York this decision is made, literally, by local county political bosses. In this case about a dozen Republican County Party Chairmen gathered and anointed a candidate to be the Republican nominee.

The only problem is that the candidate they tapped, Didi Scozzafava, who is a registered Republican, happens to side with the Democrats on… Read More

Mike Spence

When Conservatives Don’t Let Friends Vote Republican

Republicans should be winning and in fact in a week, Republican candidates will most likely become Governor of Virginia and possibly even New Jersey. Obviously that is a great sign. Both candidates are generally conservative and are running as such.

A recent Gallup poll showed that 40% of Americans say their political views are conservative. Only 20% said their views are liberal and 36% said their views are moderate.

But things really aren’t that good. A recent Washington Post Poll showed only 19% of the people identified themselves as Republican.

Why is the Republican Party doing so poorly when people say they are conservative?

The answer is leadership. In particular Republican Leadership. In the late 1970’s through the early 1990’s the Republican party was perceived as the party for conservatives. Thanks to Ronald Reagan and others we saw areas realign and that culminated in the 1994 take over of Congress.

After that the Republican Party Leadership decided big government…good. Corruption. Sure. Why not? There are many other failings of our leadership. Basically, they de-linked the Republican Party from conservatism.

And… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD72: Pro-Ackerman IE Drops Local Elected Official Letters

Just heard from Jim Nygren the consultant for the Alliance for California’s Tomorrow, the Sacramento insider crowd that is ponying up big-time to try and elect Linda Ackerman in AD 72.

Their latest expenditure comes in the form of individualized letters to voters (all voters, not just Republicans — presumably those with some propensity to vote). These letters are from a well known local elected official to people in their area or city. Tucked in with each letter is a brochure/puff piece on Ackerman.

Below is an example It is a letter from longtime Fullerton Councilman Don Bankhead. First is a letter to Republicans, and below that a letter to non-Republicans. They are virtually identical. Below that is the brochure in the mailings.

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Shawn Steel


Chairman Michael Steele announced minutes ago that the RNC has poured $13.2 million in both odd-year Gubernatorial elections. It’s a huge bet.

Chris Christie – Good Guy

New Jersey’s former Federal Prosecutor Chris Christie is neck and neck with Gov. Jon Corzine. Corzine a typical dem gizzionaire, an x Wall Street fat cat, isreportedly spending over $30,000,000 to win re-election.… Read More

Meredith Turney

Tea Party Movement Still Going Strong in California

Last April 15th thousands of Californians descended upon Sacramento for a tea party protest of out-of-control government. On the same day, hundreds of thousands of other Americans met for similar protests in cities all across the nation. Political commentators wondered whether these massive nationwide protests were merely a passing fad or whether they were the beginnings of a legitimate movement. Seven months later, the tea party movement is still gaining momentum, which bodes well for conservatives in 2010. Last Sunday the Tea Party Express launched the second phase of its national bus tour with a rally in San Diego. Sponsored by the Our Country Deserves Better PAC, the tour will visit over 30 cities on its way to Washington, DC. The San Diego launch was very well attended and the crowd was bursting with energy. With the USS Midway providing a patriotic background, tea party participants were rallied by Assemblyman Chuck DeVore,Read More

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