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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Costa: Borrow more money to create jobs

Jim Costa is a Democrat from Fresno, representing the 20th Congressional District.  He says he’s a "blue dog", but I’ve exposed his 97% in agreement with Nancy Pelosi voting record.  His District suffers from water shortages and record unemployment.  He voted yes on the job killing, budget busting health insurance reform bill in the House.  

Now, in the Central Valley Times, Costa has the solution to the current jobs crisis:  spend more on infrastructure.  Not only is this an intellectually lazy response to the problem – what he is really saying is this:  borrow more money from foreign countries.

This is vintage Costa.  I don’t know if his seat is in play next year or not.  The way Obama / Pelosi / Reid are going,  They might lose 75 seats due to their arrogance and incompetence.  Costa isn’t doing anything to distinguish himself from the Democrat leadership that America detests.