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Meredith Turney

Schwarzenegger gives Obama an A?!

Ever since Oprah asked Obama how he would grade his own performance as president thus far (B+, by the way), political commentators have been assigning their own grade to the President’s first year in office. Now California’s Governor has joined the debate and told CNN, “When it comes to effort, [Obama] should get a straight A.”  

Now I know that Schwarzenegger is the very definition of a RINO. But this goes beyond a Republican elected official merely trying to be courteous to the President. "A for effort" is the mantra of the Left—results doesn’t matter, it’s how you feel about what you’re doing that will be graded.

Even worse, Schwarzenegger encouraged the President to continue pursuing his radical, leftist agenda: “He has to hang in there, be tough, just continue on, never give up, eventually he’s going to get all those things done.”  Governor Schwarzenegger, if you were ever a free market proponent, or ever had any inkling of what it means to be conservative or even libertarian, you would not encourage President Obama in the direction he is taking this country.
Perhaps the most puzzling aspect of Schwarzenegger’s advice to the President is that the Governor failed to “hang in there” or “be tough” in his own administration. When first elected, he vowed to truly reform California and save it from its financial demise. Instead, when the going got tough and he met political resistance, he reversed course and joined his opponents. When it comes to evaluating elected officials, voters are the ones passing out grades. Schwarzenegger giving Obama a “straight A” is like the two worst students in class grading each other.

2 Responses to “Schwarzenegger gives Obama an A?!”

  1. Says:

    Schwarzenegger may still be governor but he ceased with any meaningful dialogue worth listening to long ago. He may be the worst governor in California history

  2. Says:

    “Blow up the Boxes” says we will have three billion more in expense to pay for Obama’s health care disaster…MEDICAID……coupled with AB32….it is over folks!

    Think on it….free food stamps, education, health care, housing, welfare checks, aid to dependant children, etc…..

    NEVER NEED TO WORK unless under the table or at tip jobs…..are you saps as taxpayers?