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Jon Fleischman

Whitman’s Non-Voting Record Shared With Voters Through Poizner TV Buy

On today’s main page, the FlashReport debuted the latest television spot from the Poizner for Governor campaign, which talks about how opponent Meg Whitman didn’t vote for 28 years, missing scores of opportunities to vote against tax increases and such.

You can see the ad here:

The Whitman campaign has responded by directing the attention of politicos to an Associated Press article penned by Juliet Williams that "fact checks" the ad.   Spokeperson  Sarah Pompei says, “This ad is an absolute and total lie. Meg registered as a Republican in 1982 and has voted for Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, Mitt Romney and John McCain; and Steve Poizner knows it.”

The nickel tour is that there are periods of time that voter registration records are not available, and Whitman asserts that during those times she was registered and did vote.  Because there is no way to verify that one way or the other, you get a he-said, she-said.  That said, for the overwhelming period, it is documented that Whitman was either not registered to vote, or registered but did not vote. 

So the "truth" is somewhere between a voting record that totally sucks, or a voting record that almost totally sucks.

Whitman’s response to this non-voting issue, as excerpted from today’s AP story, quotes a previous statement from the candidate…

"I take accountability for that and responsibility for that … The truth is I was not as engaged and connected as I should have been," she said. "Like so many Californians and so many of us, I had lots of things going on."

As I said at the time when this issue came up int he first place, it is a real killer as I believe voters have expectation (fairly so) that people who want their votes — are voters.  We can all recall the tortured two weeks that this issue of non-voting dominated the campaign.  Wait a sec, I am sure that the Poizner folks did up a video on that….  Here it is…

I recall saying at the time that this all took place, then died down, that it would most certainly be back in the closing days that this would be back…

Look for Mike Murphy at the Whitman campaign to unleash a new ad for Whitman ASAP — something to try and change the subject.  With less than four weeks til the election, Whitman cannot afford to have her voting record be the dominant subject for two more weeks…

4 Responses to “Whitman’s Non-Voting Record Shared With Voters Through Poizner TV Buy”

  1. Says:

    There is a little pit bull in some of us….

    Steve is proving to be a crystal clear illuminator with a remarkable sense of timing….

    Meg has the proud, over confidant crew of the Titantic trying to make the final agonizing, desperate veer from political disaster….

    I bet on the pit bull!

  2. Says:

    Are these two really the best the GOP could give us???


    Time to hold my nose and vote for Whitman. Jon Coupal and the HJTPA better be right. In general my wallet is my single issue reason for voting.

  3. Says:

    I agree on not being happy with the choices but am leaning the other way with Tom McClintock and Poizner.

  4. Says:

    It’s a tough choice they are both disingenuous. Poizner could have given even a few hundred thousand to the part time legislature drive. He didn’t. If the guy was serious about reform why not put your money where your mouth is? I believe they both suck but as I said I’ll trust the HJTA before McClintock. I wouldn’t be surprised if Poizner offered to back his reelection financially. As John and Ken say “They’re all liars and whores.”