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Meredith Turney

Schwarzenegger: The Sore Winner

One of the cardinal principles of sportsmanship is to be a gracious winner. Every kid in little league is told to be kind and considerate to the fellow players they just bested in a competition. Apparently that principle is something that Arnold Schwarzenegger either 1) was not taught or 2) doesn’t care to follow. 

This morning the governor issued the obligatory congratulatory press release praising the San Francisco Giants’ World Series win. But he didn’t stop at simply congratulating his state’s winning baseball team: he went on to attack the home state of the defeated Texas Rangers. Schwarzenegger used his press release to not only do some inappropriate campaigning against Proposition 23, he attacked Texas for having “dirty oil companies”.

"The San Francisco Giants defeated the Texas Rangers tonight, just like California voters are going to defeat the attempts of dirty Texas oil companies to undo our clean energy laws at the polls tomorrow."
First, it is inappropriate for the governor to use his position congratulating a sports team to campaign on an issue. It’s cheap and it draws the baseball players into a political battle they may not want to engage in. Second, it’s embarrassing to attack a fellow state for one of its main industries—especially a state that just lost to your team in the World Series. If Texas had won, would Rick Perry ridicule California for its absurd environmental rules or the use of pot? No, because Governor Perry actually has class.

Finally, Schwarzenegger shouldn’t be talking smack about a state that is kicking California’s tail when it comes to economic prosperity. The Texas Public Policy Foundation just released a report that shows Texas is smoking California. According to the report, “Texas created 129,000 new jobs in the last year—over one-half of all the new jobs in the U.S. In contrast, California lost 112,000 jobs during the same period.” And unlike California, Texas is protecting its economy from nonsensical EPA rules that will kill even more jobs. 

So gloat all you want about winning the World Series and imposing your job-killing environmental rules, Governor Schwarzenegger, but there’s a reason more people are moving out of California and choosing to live in Texas

Congratulations, Governor Perry and the State of Texas, for actually knowing how to create prosperity for your citizens.