Posted by Mike Spence at 12:00 am on Oct 05, 2005 Comments Off on Cooley, LA Police vs. Dreier, Schiff, Baca and LA County Distirct Attorneys
Wow. A fight is brewing in Los Angeles over a bill
sponsered by Democratic Congressman Adam Schiff and Republican
CongressmanDavid Dreier over cop killers from Mexico. Mexico
refuses to extradite cop killers and other accused of murder and
some other crimes because the United States may executethe
poor little cop killers or sentence them to prison for a long
The big case in Los Angelesis the murder of Deputy David
The bill would have originally stripped Los Angeles Distirct
Attorney Steve Cooley and other locals from prosecuting killers of
peace officers and given it to the federal government. The want the
US to stop aiding Mexico until they turn them over. Dreier has
voted against this approach.
Cooley and the Los Angeles Police Union were furious. Cooley
went on the John and Ken radioshow to denounce it.
Schiff-Dreier made some changes that still didn’t satifsy Cooley
and Company. Read it here.
Enter Steve Ipsen, the head of the Assocaition of Deputy
District Attorneys, who appeared at the re-eletction kick-off of
Dreier to counter… Read More