League of Cites: YES ON 76!
LEAGUE TRUMPS ITS OWN BOARD You didn’t read much in the main-stream media about the League of Cities meeting recently held in San Francisco. Then again, why would you? It’s the LEAGUE OF CITIES (can you say…B-O-R-I-N-G to any newspaper reader). Not so boring, though, is what happenned at this particular meeting relative to Proposition 76, the Governor’s "Live within our means" fiscal reform measure on the Special Election ballot.
You had a mini-debate of sorts as speakers to the League meeting included Governor Schwarzenegger, the proponent of 76, and state Controller (and candidate for Governor) Steve Westly, and opponent. There was a LOT of grassroots-style lobbying — with the leadership of the League out there trying to quell the groundswell — ultimately unsuccessfully. Despite a previous vote by the League Board of Directors to stay neutral, the delegates voter 135-124 to support it.
You don’t hear much from embarrassed League officials on this important demonstration of local support for Proposition 76, but… Read More