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Carl Fogliani

Whalen Finance Crash in 29th Assembly puts McKinney in Drivers Seat

Late last evening the Bob Whalen campaign filed his end of year finance reports.  The numbers themselves are shocking with only $7000 on hand and bills totaling $9000.

The Whalen campaign has less than zero dollars. Meanwhile the only other candidate in  the race is Madera farmer Don McKinney who (disclosure: client) will report over $120,000 in cash on hand when his reports are filed.

McKinney has continued to impress with his work ethic, knowledge of the issues and focused campaign that has continued to build momentum.  Meanwhile Whalen’s campaign has been a train wreck and without the ability to compete financially it makes one wonder just how long that campaign will continue.  Word on the street is he no longer has the services of his fundraiser and the wheels are coming off.

McKinney is now in a position to drive this race and lock down the primaryto save resources for the GOP in the fall.  The momentum has clearly been moving McKinney’s way.  Now it should grow even stronger.