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Mike Spence

You Asked For It: CRP Platform Drafting Committee Votes

I have received many emails asking who voted to send a draft platform that eliminates several conservative planks. Here is your answer. Below is the list of elected drafting platform committee members present at the meeting. Only two, myself and the Honorable Craig DeLuz. Voted against the neutered draft and in favor of amendments that restored deleted sections. Don’t be fooled the first vote was to send the draft to the full committee that had no language on marriage, guns, and a vague one on life. That is the official draft. The rest are “suggestions”.

Those listed below voted against thos amendments or were silent during the voting. This attendance list is from the CRP.

Hector Barajas
Claudia Bermudez
Rob Bernosky
Hon.Bill Berryhill
Greg Conlon
Paul Cummings
Jim DiSanto
Margaret Dominici
Jim Faison
Gregory Grandrud
Doris Gentry
Ryan Hatcher
Eric Hickok
Dr. Marvin Jones
Morgan Kelley
Virginia Kiraly
Leonard Lanzi
Hon.Jim Nielsen
Michael Osborn
Laura Peter
Dana Reed
Brad Torgan
Ryan Trabucco
Dan Trimble
Hon. Abram Wilson

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3 Responses to “You Asked For It: CRP Platform Drafting Committee Votes”

  1. Robert Bosich Says:

    Guess we are going down the secular Euro Modernism road while the latinos, a voting block coveted by party operatives, are rock solid religious traditionalists.

    It is incredible…how can so many out of step political disasters befall Republicans…Prop. 187, the Austrian socialist, the upcoming redistricting disaster.

  2. Aaron F Park Says:

    Mike – are you going to join me in holding Jim Nielsen accountable? He was endorsed by the CRA in 2008 and 2010.

    OR – maybe this is another reason why dismantling the consultant-controlled Yuba and Yolo CRA’s was/is a good thing? (along with re-organizing the South Butte RA)

    Thanks again for your leadership and I am hoping you and Craig will lead the charge to restore the platform at the main committee level.

  3. ps Says:


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