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Ray Haynes

Do They NOT Know Freedom?

Democrats have long touted their “commitment” to individual freedom and “human rights.” In California, we are seeing just what freedom means to Democrats. Let’s start with a definition of individual freedom vis-a-vis the use of government power. As I see it, a definition of freedom starts with the assumption that an individual has the right to live his or her life as they see fit. In raising and feeding their family, in their thoughts and religious beliefs, in keeping what they earn from the sweat of their brow, in participating in the debates that shape public opinion, and in the acquisition and management of the things they own, they should be free of the use of government force unless what they do causes their neighbor some form of physical harm or property damage. A society that values individual freedom values freedom of contract, private property rights, freedom of speech and freedom of religion, and will take action to protect those values from intrusion of others, and will not intrude on those rights with the use of that force.

Democrats don’t, quite frankly, believe in those values, they don’t believe in freedom. I… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

A World Class Hoax

I fell for It. World Leaders fell for it. I bet most of you fell for it. The raging fires in the Amazon destroying the rainforest was being touted as a “cataclysmic environmental event” that could possible change the entirety of earth’s history. Because of some honest people, we now know that the story was a world class hoax making us once again question the motives of the environmental elite and their celebrity allies.

Because every time anyone questions the climate change orthodoxy I decided to research the people who were defaming those who were the promoters of this hoax. I stumbled onto an article in Forbes magazine written by Michael Shellenberger. Shellenberger is not a person that the Left can easily attack. Other than founding a couple of environmental groups, Shellenberger was named a Time Magazine Heroes of the Environment (2008).

Shellenberger wrote:

It is a detailed lambasting of the arguments made that captivated the world. He did cite liberal news… Read More

Richard Rider

CA electricity costs far more than the national average. And the “delta” is getting worse.

Most California residents are vaguely aware that electricity costs more than in most other states. But they haven’t seen the actual numbers.

I’m here to help. And to depress Californians.

Here’s the June, 2019 numbers for the average CA and U.S. cost per kWh, in cents. Our residential cost is far higher than the national average. But our commercial (think shopping centers, office buildings, etc.) and industrial (think factories) rates are even worse, again compared to the national averages.

All the figures are from the U.S. Energy Information Administration, a reliable source.

Per kWh June 2019 Residential Commercial Industrial CA cost of electricity $0.2087 $0.1838 $0.1503 U.S. cost of … Read More

Edward Ring

The Real Reason Behind the Drive to Unionize Charter Schools

Want to know another reason California’s teachers unions are desperate to unionize charter schools? They want the leverage to force these schools to participate in CalSTRS, because CalSTRS charges all its participants the same pension contribution rates.

This is a truly amazing, grotesquely unfair, astonishing scam. It means that new schools have to pay for the every financial mistake that CalSTRS ever made, and they’ve made plenty. CalSTRS is only64 percent funded. CalSTRS is $107 billion in debt – that’s $238,000 peractive member. Better get more active members!

Even CalPERS, the largest public employee pension system in the U.S., and one that has engaged in its own share ofaccounting gimmicks, doesn’t make its financially responsible participants pay for the negligence of its financially irresponsible participants. Every… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Trump and The Jews

President Trump certainly knows how to get a discussion going in the Jewish Community. The problem is that a large part of the Jewish Community is blind to understanding what he is saying. What he said for Republican Jews was not a surprise nor something that has not been said previously, but let’s break it down.

Those of us who have been long-time Jewish Republicans have been queried for years by other Republicans as to why many Jews vote for Democrats. That is particularly so since the Republicans asking have been strong supporters of Israel.

In fact, years back, when AIPAC (the well-known group that supports Israel and lobbies politicians for the interest of Israel) organized people at our temple, I was asked to get involved. They knew my significant involvement in politics and the fact that I was a presidential appointee. I politely declined, but they persisted. I then told them “alright I will tell you what — you get everybody organized and you lobby the Democrats in the local area; I will lobby the Republicans. I don’t need any help. A Republican who does not fully support Israel is a very rare breed.”

In fact, I have been working the… Read More

Bruce Bialosky

Losing a Doctor, A Cost to Us All

As you know, President Obama famously promised us that “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor.” That myth has been exposed many times over. Then there’s the scenario where your doctor tells you that he is no longer going to practice, and it is largely due to changes from Obamacare. It then becomes personal.

We received a letter in the mail (yes, people still send those) from our infectious disease doctor stating “After an extremely difficult period of thought and soul-searching I have decided to cease practice after almost 47 years.” We were scheduled to see Dr. Ronald Fishbach soon after as we were going on one our annual sojourns after tax season and had to determine whether we needed any shots in a few questionable countries. Hopefully, that will be all for which you need an infectious disease doctor. Unless, of course, you live in Los Angeles where we have an outbreak of typhus due to a runaway homeless problem.

After dealing with the fact we would have to find some other slug who doesn’t have half the knowledge of Fishbach, a quest to discern Fishbach’s rationale ensued. It was quite obvious from his letter that he was… Read More

Richard Rider

During the last 12 months while California LOST 600 jobs, the number of jobs in the rest of America grew 1,324,583

The LA TIMES recently ran another cheerleader article on how well CA is doing.

Two obvious problems with their facts:

They use the timeframe from 2010 to 2018. The only reason the CA economy looks so good is that it fell so FAR in the first part of Great Recession, more than most other states.Here’s a simple math demonstration. If 100 people working dropped to 50 people, that would obviously be a 50% drop. Now, starting at 50 people, assume employment over time went back up to 100 people. What percent increase from 50 would that be? The TIMES touts that CA has record low unemployment. It’s true — for CALIFORNIA. But the paper leaves the headline reader thinking that our relatively low CA employment is the lowest rate in the nation.

Not hardly! Here’s recent figures: The CA unemployment rate(June 2019) is 4.2%. Yet we are still worse than all but 9 states. National unemployment rate is 3.8%.The CA unemployment rate is 15.6%… Read More

Richard Rider

Avalanche of CA school bonds on your ballot in 2020. Biased press will help them pass.

Here they come again! Yup, most school districts in California are mulling the prospect of putting MORE local school bonds on the 2020 ballot.Lotsmore.

Are you thinking that you need not worry because your school district recently passed a school bond that’s already costing you hundreds of dollars a year? Doesn’t work that way. The new push will be to have two, three or more bond measures in place for a school district — each one dinging your property tax bill annually so that you pay your “fair share.” In short, if voters will pass such bonds, they WILL be on the ballot.

Moreover, “need” is not a factor. The only important consideration is whether or not the electorate will PASS the bond. With school bonds now requiring only a 55% majority (thanks, California voters), almost all such bonds will pass — regardless of “need.” The only bonds that will have some difficulty are in the rural areas where a significant number of sane people reside.

In this day and age, EVERY CA school bond is for pensions. EVERY one. Pension obligations… Read More

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