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Katy Grimes

Is CA Senate Rigging Report In Harassment Probe of Sen. Tony Mendoza?

Senior Senate staff say Sen. President Pro Tem Kevin DeLeon still actively helping former roommate Mendoza keep his paycheck

In an exclusive interview to the Flash Report, a California State Senate senior staffer revealed a behind-the-scenes plot to save, or at least continue the Senate paycheck of Democrat Senator Tony Mendoza (Artesia), who in multiple media reports and news articles is alleged to be a serial sexual harasser of women in his own Senate office.

The Senate staffer, who has worked several years in the Legislature under multiple leaders, requested anonymity for fear of workplace reprisals.

Additionally, it was reported Thursday that Sen. Mendoza and a constituent filed a lawsuit against the California… Read More

Katy Grimes

#MeToo CA Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia Accused of Sexual Harassment

Politico and Sac Bee Confuse ‘Misconduct’ and ‘Harassment’ With Latest Allegations Against Asm. Cristina Garcia

Thursday it was revealed that the #MeTooMovement may be compromised by one of its leaders, Democrat Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia, after new sexual harassment allegations against her surfaced.

Politico reported:

California Assemblywoman Cristina Garcia — whose high-profile advocacy of the #MeToo movement earned her national media notice — is herself the subject of a state legislative investigation in the wake of a report that she sexually harassed and groped a former legislative staffer.

And a lobbyist,… Read More

Katy Grimes

California Sh*thole: Leftist Politicians Playing Politics With CA Businesses

For many years I have written about the horrendous challenges California business owners face because of legislatively-imposed environmental regulations, business-killing regulations and labor laws, hostile politicians and city councils, and government-sanctioned labor union attacks on non-union businesses. Few politicians have ever run a business or owned a business, and even fewer appreciate what it takes to grow a business.

Whether it is Gerawan Farming fighting the corrupted California Agriculture Labor Relations Board and United Farm Workers labor union thugs attempting to take over, or Magliteflashlight inventor and company owner Anthony Maglica, who has been in a battle with the State of California over the “Made in the USA” label on his flashlight packaging (exclusively made in California), these and other businesses and employers are under constant siege by the state and local politicians over business… Read More

Katy Grimes

Crybaby Democrats Hate American Prosperity at SOTU

Here are all of my comments from the State of the Union last evening, along with a few others who joined me at Tom Del Beccarro’s Political Vanguard: Read More

Katy Grimes

Oust California Teacher and Councilman Who Called Military ‘Dumbsh*ts’

I’m just a Navy mom of a United States Naval Academy graduatewho is currently a Navy special ops officer, and has had two long Middle East deployments. I wasn’t going to weigh in on the liberal California councilman and public school teacher who told his students “military Are ‘dumbsh*ts” and “lowest of our low.” That is, until I read that the school district officials of Gregory Salcido, El Rancho High School history teacher and a current member of thePico Rivera City Council, were covering for him, even after he said when speaking about our military, “They’re the frickin’ lowest of our low,” in one of three videos that surfaced last week.

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Katy Grimes

Sh*thole California Part lll: Democrat Mafia To Extort Profits From CA Businesses

California’s Democrats are on an accelerated path of destruction of the once Golden State. In Parts l and ll of my series on how California’s leftist Democrats have turned the Golden State into a sh*thole, I explain how California’s ruling party is doubling down on business-destroying policies, energy destroying policies, education destroying policies, and policies destroying California’s abundant natural resources. The new law claiming sanctuary state status is blatantly unconstitutional, as is “legalizing” marijuana.

But Wait!!! There’sRead More

Katy Grimes

The Ludicrous March of the Ugly Pink-Hatters

The latest women’s march is more proof that these leftists – and they all are leftists – are empty-headed imbeciles. Billed as demonstrations in support of “female empowerment,” this march of ugly, angry leftists doesn’t understand that the rest of us are laughing at them. They are having an annual emotional flare-up, a temper tantrum, but they can’t articulate what they are upset about.

“People are realizing we can’t just march, we have to vote,” said Regina Bateson, a leftist candidate for Congress running against Republican Rep. Tom McClintock, the Sacramento Bee reported. Does Ms. Bateson and her fellow marchers not know that the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, was passed by Congress June 4, 1919, and ratified on August 18, 1920?

If so many women are not voting, how serious can they be?

And really, do they go home happier after these feverish group… Read More

Katy Grimes

Another Episode of ‘As the Capitol Turns’ In Which The ‘Bold and the Beautiful’ Aren’t

In another Episode of ‘As the Capitol Turns’ we see that in our ‘Search For Tomorrow,” the ‘Bold and the Beautiful’ aren’t, ‘Dark Shadows’ lurk in the hallways, ‘Passions’ flare, and ‘The Guiding Light’ only lures young interns and fellows to ‘The Edge of Night.’ Or perhaps this is just another in theHow California Democrats Have Turned The Golden State Into A ‘Sh*thole’ series.

If the persistent whisper network around the California State Capitol is evidence of anything, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), is scrambling to prevent the other shoe from dropping… on him. The Capitol sexual harassment scandal under de Leon’s watch is growing, despite de Leon’s attempt at containment.

De León’s “containment” is not to help the female victims of these sexual harassers; the containment is solely to protect lawmakers’ jobs and future prospects. This is becauseCalifornia… Read More

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