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National Review Endorses Romney

The National Review has endorsed Mitt Romney for President.

National Reviews writes: "Romney is a full-spectrum conservative: a supporter of free-market economics and limited government, moral causes such as the right to life and the preservation of marriage, and a foreign policy based on the national interest."  "Romney is an exemplary family man and a patriot whose character matches the high office to which he aspires."

3 Responses to “National Review Endorses Romney”

  1. Says:

    Interesting! Endorsement comes after his big speech last week in College Station, Texas about his religious faith.

    Only person can rescue Romney is the candidate himself.

    Friends: Lets be serious the gatekeepers of the Oval Office should not be Lou Sheldon or James Dobson. It should be decided by the voters with widsom and respect to the U.S. Constitution who does not wave the “carrot on the stick” on religious grounds!

    Rudy Giuliani is the right candidate for President, regardless of what the National Review or anyone else says.

  2. Says:

    Republican Jim Gilchrist of The Minuteman Project has endorsed Mike Huckabee and is currently campaigning for him in Iowa.

  3. Says:

    It will be hard for gun owners throughout US to tolerate, endorse or support Romney given his prior Massachusetts gun control stances. He may be preaching a new sermon to a new crowd now, but we remember his prior actions.

    If perchance he takes a pledge to not drive nor sign, support or drive any new gun control laws (as determined by NRA) if & when President, that might be a somewhat positive first step to atone for his MA sins.

    Another level of atonement could be achieved if he promises to use his executive authority to stop BATF abusive treatment of legit gunshops.

    Gunowners have high expectations of a supposedly pro-gun candidate, esp given this President Bush’s supportive behavior of gunowners:

    (1) not driving for reauthorization of the Federal ‘assault weapons’ ban in 2004;

    2) helping bring about & signing, Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act to protect lawful firearms vendors from bogus lawsuits; and

    3) nominating Roberts & Alito to the Supreme Court.

    Bill Wiese
    San Jose CA