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Jon Fleischman


These days, it’s a good idea for an officer of the California Republican Party to be "listening in" to the John and Ken Show on KFI Radio in Southern California.   John and Ken have been spending a LOT of time talking about the role of Republicans in the passage of the largest tax increase in California history, passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor in late February (the cost for a few years to the average California family… $1100). 

Today when I tuned in, Lee Lowry, Chairman of the Atlas PAC was talking about the kickoff of the recall campaign against Assemblyman Anthony Adams (one of the six who voted for the largest tax increase in the history of any state in the country).  He announced that the recall effort was engaging in a fundraising drive in advance of serving the Assemblyman with an official recall petition.

So now John and Ken are, over and over, giving out the URL for the recall campaign,, and challenging all of their listeners, especially the 15,000 or so folks that showed up at their Tax Revolt 2009 rally in Fullerton a few weeks ago,

John and Ken have said that once the recall petitions have been printed, then will host their talk show in Adams’ district every day until it is qualified if they need to…

John and Ken’s talk show, for those not from SoCal, get’s almost a million listeners a week — so these guys have a wide reach throughout the Southland.

We’ll see how the online donations do for AtlasPac’s Recall Adams site — they are trying to raise $100,000 online BEFORE they serve Adams…

Again, the site:

3 Responses to “RecallAdams.Org”

  1. Says:

    In olden days Yellow Dog Journals were plastered on walls of public visted bldgs. like taverns and food purveyors to counter the pap and propaganda put out by the ruling class, government, per say, now, in California….

    John and Ken are media types out for ratings but their passion is beyond ratings….they mirror what all thinking patriots feel…resentment at the gov. ruling class spending us into oblivion….

    granted…they are over the top maybe like the Yellow Dog Journals….but someone has to do it…..or you will wake up one morning to the ghost of Mussolini yelling on a bull horn to empty your pockets at the local DMV.

  2. Says:

    John and Ken are doing us all a service, and filling a huge vacuum the Republican party and the remainder of the media unfortunately has left.

  3. Says:

    I agree,we must become part of the solution and fulfill our promises.

    Study this website for direction:

    Wake yourself up:
    Get on board with your voters!

    We must lead and return to our roots and deregulate government. There is no other option.

    Some of the best friends of the Republican Party are:
    Glenn Beck
    Rick Roberts
    John & Ken KFI am 640
    Mark Levin
    Roger Hedgecock

    Do what these men say and we will win elections by a landslide.